Желания друзей
Цена: ca. 10 Eur
Повод: my old house shoes are dying!
2010-05-16 21:13 I need such shoes with a good rubber sole, because I use them on the balcony and when I wash the floor, and they can get wet.
Благодарности: мамулечка папулечка!
2010-05-16 21:13 Possible preferences: Samsung; not very slim; with external display.
Цена: ?
Повод: he is green and I've gotta save him
Цена: 400-700 EUR (depends on date, time and airline)
Повод: I wanna go home badly to see my parents and friends.
Благодарности: many thanks go to my family!)
комментарии: 1
Цена: ca. 1000 € ?
Цена: 57 $
2009-10-25 05:05 i'd like blue or purple ones
Цена: 30 EUR per day?