2016-09-13 07:28 canada (montreal, ottawa, halifax, st johns, winnipeg, regina, saskatoon, edmonton, calgary, vancouver), usa (✓ new york, san fran, los angeles), europe (✓ london, ✓ paris, ✓ rome, ✓ milan, amsterdam, moscow, istanbul), asia (tokyo, hong kong, delhi)... дальше
2016-09-11 21:43 ✓ hana's dress fitting (aug 5) ✓ hang out with hana while she's in town ✓ taste of the danforth (aug 7) ✓ sail-in cinema ✓ sausage party ✓ rent bikes on the island ✓ CNE ✓ trip to the island · beaches · lynda.com · coding · dentist · massage · bun ... дальше
2016-08-01 17:27 ✓ brunch with kristen (july 2) ✓ paris layover (july 3) ✓ hana (july 4) ✓ peter bjorn & john show (july 5) ✓ VE (july 10-12) ✓ berry picking (july 14) ✓ montreal trip (july 25-29) ✓ hana's bridal shower (july 30) · romeo + juliet movie in the park (j ... дальше