Желания друзей
Благодарности: got slim one from garnethill and black cords.Their are very generous about discount.2 for 156$ plus shipping.
2009-09-07 08:56 Fantastic jeans for the price.
Повод: need size smaller
Благодарности: myself and athleta
2009-08-30 07:03 better than jeans.
Цена: free with membership
Благодарности: myself.well,it was intense and make you sweat,but good for keeping balance.i might come back.
Цена: 329$
Благодарности: HUBBY
Цена: 27$
Благодарности: myself and vitacost,i didn't get a pen,its sold out( what a bummer!
2009-08-17 03:19 works great
Цена: ?
Цена: 32$
Повод: try it
Благодарности: myself and sephora
Цена: cheap
Повод: replacement
Благодарности: myself and tax free weekend.3 for 30$.
2009-08-08 03:22 ok everyday underwear
Цена: 34$
Повод: try it
Благодарности: myself, love it!
Благодарности: myself and athleta.
Its good for 45$,but not spectacular.