Благодарности: 1. Peppermint gum from Starbucks( I am not buying coffee there...well, maybe pumpkin latte sometimes)
2. Trips to Whole Foods to grab thing or two
3. Instant oatmeal with raisins and nuts
4. Hard cider- SOOO GOOD!!!
5. Einstein Brothers Nova-Lox - yummy!
6. Hada Labo facial masks
7. Kiehl's Creme de Corps - guess why they're making liter bottles now? I am a fan.
8. Nivea original body wash
2015-09-05 04:30 1. Peppermint gum from Starbucks( I am not buying coffee there) 2. Trips to Whole Foods to grab thing or two 3. Instant oatmeal with raisins and nuts 4. Hard cider- SOOO GOOD!!! 5. Einstein Brothers Nova-Lox - yummy! 6. Hada Labo facial masks 7. Kie ... дальше