Желания друзей
Благодарности: mmm...It smells and looks AMAZING!
Повод: mm..the taste of my childhood :D
Повод: to change myself a little bit for the summer'11
Благодарности: I changed my mind..
Повод: stressful semester, admission, problems
Благодарности: few lazy days after exams
Повод: summer
Благодарности: to myself æp
2011-05-05 02:46 The lip gloss was hilarious! I just need a new one!! PLEASE, anybody, buy it for meee!!!! <3
Повод: my 'toshiba' is almost dead ;p
Благодарности: Parents and sister. I got Asus :D
2011-04-28 00:10 I heed a new one pc))
Цена: ?
Повод: future
Благодарности: Ana got it from her sister )
Повод: to watch them with my mom in August :)
2011-04-11 04:48 ALL the series!!! <3