2009-01-01 15:32 шампуни: "На козьем молоке с крапивой", "На козьем молоке с кокосом" (густота, объем), "Мед-прополис" (от выпадения), "Хенна" для укрепления волос
Благодарности: счастливой маме... она моя пцтеводная звезда удачи!!
2008-12-11 17:22 In normal conditions, our lashes never reach their maximum length : they fall out, they become brittle and break because of pollution, use of make-up and make-up removers, etc. Nothing gives the look a more lovely and glamorous appearance than long a... дальше
2008-12-11 17:20 More luxurious eyebrows, emphasizing the eye's personality. This gel (plant extract based) naturally reshapes the line of the eyebrows to make a woman's look as expressive a possible. It stimulates their growth and makes them thicker and healthier. ... дальше