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Human chorionic gonadotropin


2020-12-21 20:10
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a polypeptide hormone produced by the human placenta. HCG is composed of an alpha and a beta sub-unit. The alpha sub-unit is essentially identical to the alpha sub­ units of the human pituitary gonadotropins, lutei
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хотят: 2 чел.


2020-12-21 20:09 Recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin with 2 subunits, alpha = 92 residues, beta = 145 residues, each with N-and O-linked carbohydrate moieties linked to ASN-52 and ASN-78 (on alpha subunit) and ASN-13, ASN-30, SER-121, SER-127, SER-132 and SER-13... дальше

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2020-12-21 20:09
The product is a recombinant truncated form of human plasmin with a molecular weight of 27.2 kDa produced by recombinant DNA technology in a Pichia pastoris expression system. The product is a protein made up of 250 amino acids and has two peptide ch
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Recombinant human lysosomal beta glucuronidase


2020-12-21 20:09 The product is a recombinant human lysosomal beta glucuronidase that is a purified enzyme produced by recombinant DNA technology in a Chinese hamster ovary cell line. The enzyme is a homotetramer consisted of 4 monomers with 630 amino acids, and hold... дальше

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2020-12-21 20:09
The product is a recombinant form of the enzyme lysosomal acid lipase (LAL). The amino acid sequence for the product is the same as the amino acid sequence for human LAL.

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хотят: 2 чел.


2020-12-21 20:09 Human tissue plasminogen activator, purified, glycosylated, 356 residues purified from CHO cells. The product is genetically engineered to retain and delete certain portions of human tPA. The product is a deletion mutein of human tPA formed by deleti... дальше

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Endotoxin Removal Service
хотят: 10 чел.


2020-12-21 20:08
Creative BioMart offers you endotoxin removal kits. It is convenient for you to carry out the endotoxin removal work independently during the experiment and bring guarantee to your experiment.

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Endotoxin Testing Service
хотят: 9 чел.


2020-12-21 20:08
"Creative BioMart offers you a variety of Endotoxin Testing Kits, including multiple detection methods. You can choose according to your different needs for the experiment.
In addition to the detection reagents, the endotoxin detection kit also incl
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TAL LAL Reagents
хотят: 7 чел.


2020-12-21 20:08
Creative BioMart offers you TAL / LAL Reagent for endotoxin detection experiments. TAL / LAL Reagent can be used as a supplement to the detection reagents in the Endotoxin Testing Kit. It can also be purchased separately and used in conjunction with
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Efndotoxin free reagent
хотят: 8 чел.


2020-12-21 20:08
"Creative BioMart provides you with endotoxin-related Supporting reagents, in order to complete the detection and removal of endotoxins more accurately and without interference.
Mainly provide Tris HCl Buffer, MgCl2, Endotoxin-free Blood Anticoagulan
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