Желания друзей
Повод: посмотрела свои фото 5-летней давности и заплакала
Благодарности: it may not be exactly luscious but it's shiny and looks healthy and it is a lot softer than when i used to bleach the crap out of it
2013-02-26 06:49 regular facials, microdermabrasion, moisturizing creams (snail maybe?), h2o
комментарии: 4
Благодарности: i now have all my time to put my life in order
2013-02-25 16:52 i'm exploding
Благодарности: got a handful of samples
2013-02-24 07:55 a few samples would probably suffice
комментарии: 1
2013-02-24 03:39 tel aviv would be nice, as well as london (✓)
✓ tango classes
✓ picnic
✓ toronto islands