MDMA Test Kit

$25.00 CAD$80.00 CAD

Confirm that your MDMA actually is MDMA, and rule out drugs mis-sold as MDMA. Choose the complete package or the basic MDMA testing kit. Our basic kit includes the primary test for MDMA. The package includes 3 kits to more definitively identify MDMA, and rule out false positives.

MDMA Test Kit Description

Use this MDMA drug test kit to test for the presence of MDMA, and MDA (a closely related compound). “Molly” and “Ecstasy” are street names for MDMA. As dealers try to increase profit margins, other drugs are often mis-sold as MDMA. This is dangerous because toxicity levels of these other drugs can be unknown or significantly higher than MDMA. Onset times can be longer than with real MDMA, causing a person to redose. These factors have resulted in many cases of bodily harm and overdose deaths.

Drugs missold as MDMA:

  • Speed (amphetamine)
  • DXM (a dissociative anesthetic found in cough medicine)
  • Methamphetamine (Crystal, Ice)
  • Methylone and other drugs in a class of drugs called synthetic cathinones
  • Many others

A color reaction chart, as well as a multi-use testing vial, are also included with the MDMA testing kit.

MDMA Test Kit Includes
Basic kit:

  • Bottle with Marquis testing fluid
  • Color chart with instructions
  • Multiple-use testing vial
  • Protective storage/transport jar
Complete package:

  • 1 x Bottle of Marquis
  • 1 x Bottle of Froehde
  • 1 x Bottle of Simon
  • Color chart with instructions for each test
  • 3 x Multiple-use testing vial
  • Protective storage/transport jar

MDMA Testing – Video Demo

This video demonstrates an MDMA test with the Marquis test, as well as the Mecke and Simon’s tests. Mecke has recently been replaced by Froehde test in our MDMA drug test package. This is because Froehde can better differentiate between MDMA and 5/6-APB. Results may vary depending on sample impurities, adulterants, and other factors. If you’re primary focus is testing MDMA, consider selecting the MDMA test kit package. It allows for more thorough testing than the basic MDMA tester kit.

Using the MDMA Test Kit Package to Test for Molly/Ecstacy (MDMA/MDA)

Marquis reagent bottle Step 1) Start with the Marquis test. If your sample doesn’t yield a dark purple/black color with this test, what you have is definitely not Molly. No further testing is required. If your sample does turn dark purple/black, proceed to step two.

Marquis Test Kit: This is the main test kit for Molly. It also screens for a wide range of other substances. Product details: Marquis test kit »

Froehde Test Kit Step 2) Next, test your sample with the Froehde test. If the color reaction between your sample and the testing liquid goes to black quickly, move on to step 3. Otherwise, what you have is not Molly/Ecstasy and no further testing is required.

Froehde Test Kit: This MDMA tester produces distinct results with Ecstasy as well as 5-APB and 6-APB (which is often sold as fake Molly). It’s also a good test for the dangerous cuts PMA and PMMA. Product details: Froehde Test Kit »

Simons Test Kit Step 3) Finally, use the Simon’s test on your sample. The reaction will yield a blue color immediately, otherwise, your sample is not Molly.

Simon’s Test Kit: This test can differentiate between MDMA (Molly) and MDA (a related compound). It also differentiates amphetamine from methamphetamine. Product details: Simon’s Test Kit »

Test Kit instructions

  1. Put a small sample into the testing vial. Your sample should be about this size: (●)
  2. Hold the testing vial above the open plastic jar, so that if a drop misses the vial, it will land in the jar.
  3. Place 1-2 drops of the testing liquid from the dropper bottle onto the sample. DO NOT let the sample touch the bottle nozzle, or the reagent will get contaminated!
  4. Watch the color change over 30-60 seconds. Some reactions occur quickly (MDMA takes only a couple of seconds to turn dark purple/black). Other reactions take a longer time (aspirin and sugar gradually change color over the course of a few minutes).
  5. Compare the reaction color with the color chart provided, or use our color reaction web app to view the colors you should expect with your test kit for MDMA.
  6. Tightly close the dropper bottle. If you’re using more than one testing fluid, make sure you only open one bottle at a time. If you accidentally switch caps, the testing liquid will get contaminated and ruined.
  7. Thoroughly wash the testing vial after each use.
  8. Store the dropper bottle in a cold place to maximize shelf life, like a freezer.

MDMA Testing Notes

  • MDMA and MDMA-like substances (MDA, MDE) will produce relatively quick color changes when testing – usually in less than 10 seconds. To differentiate between MDMA and MDA, use the Simon’s test. It’s included when you select the complete MDMA drug test package
  • DXM (used in cough suppressants) turns from gray to black relatively gradually with the Marquis test. Therefore, if you don’t see dark purple or black during the first few seconds of the reaction, what you have might not be MDMA.
  • Amphetamines (Speed, Adderall) turns from a orange to reddish-orange with Marquis.
  • If your sample contains both amphetamine and MDMA, both substances will react at the same time, yielding possibly a reddish or muddy color with Marquis.
  • It’s always better to test with multiple testing liquids. This greatly decreases the chances of a false positive, and lets you screen for substances that don’t react with any single test. This is why we recommend the complete MDMA drug test kit package over the basic kit.
  • This test kit for MDMA is a presumptive test. This means the results are not 100% definitive.
  • Fentanyl is a potent opioid that can be lethal, even in tiny quantities. This test kit for MDMA lets you reliably identify MDMA in a sample, but it won’t be able to pick up small amounts of fentanyl. We recommend considering getting some fentanyl test strips, we have them available. Black market vendors generally don’t intend to sell MDMA adulterated with fentanyl, however, clandestine drug labs lack manufacturing and quality controls. This means that fentanyl contamination is a risk.
  • The testing vial that comes with the MDMA testing kit helps prevent your skin from contacting the reagent while testing. Extra testing vials are also great for when you’re on the go. But, using a white ceramic testing tray can help you see the results more easily.

MDMA Color Reactions Chart

You should expect the following color reactions with MDMA and the following MDMA reagent tests:


While reagent testing is the best method for on-the-spot testing, no MDMA reagent test result is 100% conclusive. There are many variables that can impact what the reaction looks like. Lighting, impurities, and unwanted substances in your sample may all play a role.

No drug (whether legal or illegal) is completely safe, we recommend avoiding all recreational drug use.

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