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Vibration Circular Dichroism Spectrum Prediction
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2020-12-21 20:31
VCD and ECD are two important stereochemical structure confirmation methods. When the compound does not have the Cotton effect in the ultraviolet region, VCD is needed for structural confirmation. Circular dichroism (CD) is often used to confirm the
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хотят: 2 чел.


2020-12-21 20:31
The covalent binding ability of Michael receptor also brings a certain potential risk of genotoxicity (mutagenicity), so it is necessary to fully evaluate it. The AMES test is a wide range of genetic toxicity (mutagenicity) bioassay methods. The trad
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Non-parametric Methods Analysis
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2020-09-29 17:24
By analyzing multiple paired samples, it can be inferred whether there is a significant difference in the distribution of multiple populations from which the sample is derived. The null hypothesis is that there is no significant difference in the dis
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Statistical Significance Tests
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хотят: 2 чел.


2020-09-29 17:24
In mathematical statistics, 5% probability (P) is generally used as a significant evaluation standard. If the probability of difference caused by accidental factors is more than 5 times in 100 trials, the difference between two results is considered
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Cluster Analysis
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хотят: 2 чел.


2020-09-29 17:24
Our statistical experts will select the appropriate cluster analysis method based on the cost, operational feasibility and data type provided. Make your tasks easier and more efficient.

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Decision Trees
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хотят: 2 чел.


2020-09-29 17:24
Our statistical experts will help you to build a clear and appropriate decision tree which is suitable for your study. Under this goal, we will choose the most proper algorithm of the decision tree from four algorithms below, which would help you obt
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ecotoxicology consulting
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2020-09-29 17:24
CD BioSciences’ experts will offer our clients a guide to statistical analysis from ecotoxicology study design, analysis to the interpretation of a range of experiments that are used to assess the toxicity of chemicals. Actually, our services can be
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SDTM validation
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2020-09-29 17:23
Our experts will simplify the process of converting from SDTM/ADaM to NDA electronic submission, standardize data goals, ensure consistency of attributes for each variable between data sets, define files and programming specifications, and avoid wast
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biomarker Clinical utility
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2020-09-29 17:23
Biomarker validation is the process testing the accuracy, consistency, and ability of the biomarker in measuring, representing, and/or predicting the interested normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to therapeu
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bioequivalence analysis
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2020-09-29 17:23
Biosimilars are the biomedical products that are almost identical to the original produced by another company. Biosimilars must maintain consistent quality and clinical performance throughout their life cycle with the original product. Analysis of bi
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