комментарии: 2
комментарии: 4
Благодарности: got a longchamp one from Hana instead
Благодарности: the boy!
Благодарности: the boy. also, that same night: milk + oreos
2013-03-21 06:19 joe fresh instead of essie this time
комментарии: 7
Благодарности: dating daniel j. again oO
Благодарности: I don't think it was ever broken actually
2013-03-17 19:46 because most hotels have pretty decent gyms
Благодарности: accomplished most of the things on this list :)
2013-03-13 01:24 might be harder this time since i can't book time off work ✓ magic show (dec 5) ✓ santa baby! dave & jill's party (dec 8) get at least one european layover ✓ frida kahlo exhibition @ the ago ✓ nutcracker ballet (jan 2)... дальше
2013-03-08 14:42 march 7th
Благодарности: using bourjois healthy mix foundation instead
2013-03-07 17:19 bobbi brown bb, kevyn aucoin sensual skin enhancer, missha m signature real complete bb, etude bb magic
комментарии: 2
Благодарности: going there tonight :)
Благодарности: chocolate chip ones, a long time ago
Благодарности: paid off one of the ccs and half of the other one
2013-03-01 03:08 that's 4 paycheques from today
Повод: посмотрела свои фото 5-летней давности и заплакала
Благодарности: it may not be exactly luscious but it's shiny and looks healthy and it is a lot softer than when i used to bleach the crap out of it
Благодарности: got a handful of samples
2013-02-24 07:55 a few samples would probably suffice
комментарии: 1
2013-02-24 03:39 tel aviv would be nice, as well as london (✓)
✓ tango classes
✓ picnic
✓ toronto islands
2013-02-16 04:57 need to submit my first bid by the 14th of feb
2013-02-15 13:48 ugh reality sucks
Благодарности: hahah epic fail. it's impossible not to spend money when aritzia is having a sale
2013-02-03 02:39 all i'll buy is a wilfred coat (✓), maybe a pair of jcrew boots (✓) and a wilfred scarf if on sale (✓), a sweatshirt i've wanted so badly for so long (✓), and a couple of books. but that's it!!!
комментарии: 2
Благодарности: faded black current/elliott
2013-01-26 08:49 rag & bone?
Благодарности: a $4 sponge from hong kong
2013-01-25 06:22
2013-01-19 15:19 staying productive
Благодарности: starting tomorrow :)
2013-01-16 23:05 416-338-4111
Благодарности: body ballet, pilates... i'm back in business
2013-01-15 00:37