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"Benjamin Franklin" by Walter Isaacson
"Benjamin Franklin" by Walter Isaacson
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2018-01-31 16:14
You may already know that Franklin was a writer, inventor, media baron, scientist, diplomat, and business strategist, but this is a look into how this country’s ultimate founder helped define America’s national identity.

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"King of Capital" by David Carey & John E. Morris
"King of Capital" by David Carey & John E. Morris
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2018-01-31 16:12
This is a good book to read right after you finish Barbarians at the Gate. It demonstrates how Blackstone and other private equity firms transformed into disciplined, risk-conscious investors — all this while banks were recklessly pushing... дальше

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"Jeff Bezos and The Age of Amazon" by Brad Stone
"Jeff Bezos and The Age of Amazon" by Brad Stone
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2018-01-31 16:08
It is mind-boggling to think Amazon started out as an online bookstore. That wasn’t nearly enough for its wildly ambitious founder, Jeff Bezos. This is an in-depth account of how Bezos’ large bets forever transformed the retail industry.

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"Elon Musk" by Ashley Vance
"Elon Musk" by Ashley Vance
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2018-01-31 16:04
I personally like this book because it delves into the psyche of one of the most innovative (albeit unusual) entrepreneurs of our time. Vance gives readers an exclusive look into SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity, while also giving us a better... дальше

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"Den of Thieves" by James B. Stewart
"Den of Thieves" by James B. Stewart
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2018-01-31 15:19
This bestseller details the greatest insider-trading ring in financial history and profiles the players who almost walked away with billions. The book combines business, crime, and the ugly side of human nature — what more could you want?

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"Business Adventures" by John Brooks
"Business Adventures" by John Brooks
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2018-01-31 15:18
This is Bill Gates’ favorite book (and he has Warren Buffett’s copy). So if this is good enough for Gates & Buffett, it’s good enough for this list. John Brooks compiled his longform New Yorker articles into this book, which include profiles... дальше

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"Barbarians at the Gate" by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
"Barbarians at the Gate" by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
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2018-01-31 15:12
This book has been called, “one of the finest, most compelling accounts of what happened to corporate America and Wall Street in the 1980s.” The captivating account of the fall of RJR Nabisco still serves as a great cautionary tale about gre... дальше

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"E Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber
"E Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber
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2018-01-30 17:43
E Myth should be required reading for anyone who wants to start their own company. In this bestseller, Gerber dispels the myths about starting a small business and helps readers take their plans from the ideal to the specific.

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"Venture Deals" by Brad Feld & Jason Mendelson
"Venture Deals" by Brad Feld & Jason Mendelson
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2018-01-30 17:40
This one delves into the details of what Term Sheet readers deal with on a daily basis — the term sheet, the players, the negotiations, the legalities, and more. Think of it as a very comprehensive guidebook to understanding venture capi... дальше

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"Principles" by Ray Dalio
"Principles" by Ray Dalio
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2018-01-30 17:37
Most people hate conflict, but Ray Dalio thrives on it. He’s built Bridgewater Associates into the world’s biggest hedge fund by encouraging radical transparency and organizational dissent. This book will give you the tools to make decis... дальше

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