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Imaging biomarker detection
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2020-07-13 11:13
Medical imaging technology is a kind of diagnostic method widely used in clinic, and its related imaging biomarkers are a kind of special biomarkers different from biochemical biomarkers. As a company that has always focused on the field of biomarker
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cancer biomarker detection
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2020-07-13 11:12
Oncology biomarkers have an important position in the researches of diagnosis and personalized treatment. Accurate detection of tumor biomarkers can help promote the progress of such researches. Creative BioMart Biomarker is a company in the field of
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Pancreatitis Biomarker Detection
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2020-07-13 11:09
Pancreatitis is a type of disease that affects human health and has a potential threat to life. Biomarkers have the potential for development in the early diagnosis, disease severity assessment, and disease monitoring of pancreatitis. As a leader in
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Pulmonary Biomarker Detection
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2020-07-13 11:09
Creative BioMart Biomarker is one of the well-recognized experts who is professional in biomarker detection. We have years of biomarker detection experience and advanced detection methods and detection instruments to provide fast, sensitive and repea
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Liver Injury Biomarker Detection
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2020-07-13 10:58
There are many types of liver injury, affecting human health and life safety. The introduction of biomarkers is conducive to the diagnosis of liver injury, disease progression monitoring and prognostic analysis. As a leader in biomarker research, Cre
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ochratoxin detection
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хотят: 7 чел.


2020-04-07 16:07
Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a para-chlorophenolic mycotoxin produced by the mold fungi of the Aspergillus and Penicillium species.

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