2008-10-25 00:27 Collects Green Lantern (1960-1988 1st Series) #7, 40, 59, 162, 173, 177, 182, 183 and 188, Green Lantern (1990-2004 2nd Series) #51, Green Lantern Corps Quarterly (1992-1994) #6 and Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual (1985-1987) #2. Written by J... дальше
2008-10-25 00:22 In THE FINAL NIGHT, the heroes and citizens of Earth face the impending end of the universe. When a cosmic force of nature known as the Sun-Eater extinguishes the Sun, Earth is thrust into its final night. Deprived of the massive star's illumination ... дальше
2008-10-16 20:08 1st printing. Collects Green Lantern (1990-2004 2nd Series) #76-77, 92 and Green Arrow (1987-1998 1st Series) #104, 110-111, and #125-126. Guest-starring Green Arrow (Connor Hawke). Written by Chuck Dixon and Ron Marz. Art by Rodolfo Damaggio, Doug B... дальше