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Cellular and Biochemical Assays
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хотят: 10 чел.


2021-08-26 06:02 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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Cellular and Biochemical Assays
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 10 чел.


2021-05-19 09:38 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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Metabolism and Endocrinology Assays
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 10 чел.


2021-05-19 09:37
With our complete and state-of-the-art platforms for R&D and manufacture, we are offering our customers access to versatile assay and detection kits with high sensitivity and efficiency. We are always happy to assist you with the kit selection or tes
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Cellular and Biochemical Assays
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 10 чел.


2021-04-22 20:40 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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Metabolism and Endocrinology Assays
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 10 чел.


2021-04-22 20:40
With our complete and state-of-the-art platforms for R&D and manufacture, we are offering our customers access to versatile assay and detection kits with high sensitivity and efficiency. We are always happy to assist you with the kit selection or tes
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Cellular and Biochemical Assays
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 10 чел.


2020-09-28 19:48 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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Metabolism and Endocrinology Assays
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 10 чел.


2020-09-28 19:48
With our complete and state-of-the-art platforms for R&D and manufacture, we are offering our customers access to versatile assay and detection kits with high sensitivity and efficiency. We are always happy to assist you with the kit selection or tes
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