Цена: ?
Цена: $42 in US
Повод: A chem zhe nanosit' Nars? ;)
2009-10-18 21:08 Duo Fibre Brush
Цена: $28
2009-10-18 21:06 Tapered Blending Soft Brush. Parfect for creasing. But might be too big if you have smaller eyes.
2009-10-18 21:04 Tapered Blending Brush. Goat fibres. Really nice one and a must-have for a MAC beginner's kit.
Цена: $32 in US
Повод: For my lovely DSquared2 Contour Powder.
2009-10-18 21:03 Small Contour Brush. Perfect for contouring. Blends really good. Very soft. I just jave bought a new DSquared2 Contouring Powder. And this blush is perfect for it.
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