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Don't Fail Your Scales! (Violin)
Don't Fail Your Scales! (Violin)
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Цена: $5.58

2011-11-16 21:24 Scales and arpeggios for Grades 1 and 2 transformed into imaginative pieces guaranteed to make learning quicker and lessons more fun. Also ideal for developing rhythmic skills. Each scale and arpeggio can be accompanied by a duet part (for the teache... дальше

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World Music for Violin: Ireland
World Music for Violin: Ireland
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Цена: $9.18

2011-11-16 21:22
Universal Edition's World Music collection captures the exotic sounds and traditions from around the world. The companion CD includes performance tracks with correct phrasing and backing tracks for an accompanied performance. Piano accompaniment part
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Cats Selections for Violin and Piano
Cats Selections for Violin and Piano
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Цена: $9.98

2011-11-16 21:20 A suite of six pieces from the popular musical.

Title: Cats Selections for Violin and Piano, By Webber, Andrew Lloyd, Published by Faber Music

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The French Fiddler
The French Fiddler
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Цена: $10.45

2011-11-16 21:18 19 French fiddle tunes. Includes notes on style and performance suggestions for each piece. The Violin edition also includes an optional easy violin part and guitar chords. The Complete edition includes both keyboard and violin accompaniments. Either... дальше

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Discovering Violin: A Beginning Method
Discovering Violin: A Beginning Method
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Цена: $11.85

2011-11-16 21:16 Discovering Violin Book and CD is a revolutionary approach towards learning how to play the violin by Danielle Cummins. This Complete (96 pg) Method is designed to teach a beginning violinist proper technique in a logically progressive manner. The so... дальше

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Bobby Hicks Teaches Fiddling DVD
Bobby Hicks Teaches Fiddling DVD
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Цена: $15.98

2011-11-16 21:10 Inducted into the Fiddlers Hall of Fame in 2002, Grand Ole Opry performer for 50 years, considered part of the "first generation" of bluegrass musicians, Bobby Hicks is a master and a teacher. The techniques of his unique style are now available on t... дальше

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Music of Ireland: Fire Away Now
Music of Ireland: Fire Away Now
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Цена: $5.38

2011-11-16 21:07 This book is part of a series collectively entitled Music of Ireland which brings together a rich repository of solid tunes from the many sessions of Irish music held throughout the British Isles. It's not a definitive collection, nor does it intend ... дальше

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Flashcards: Violin 3rd Position
Flashcards: Violin 3rd Position
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Цена: $7.19

2011-11-16 20:54
These 32 bright flashcards are color coded by string. One side has a note and the reverse side has the note's name and an illustration of how to play that note in THIRD POSITION on the VIOLIN.

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Scottish Fiddle Encyclopedia
Scottish Fiddle Encyclopedia
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Цена: $7.98

2011-11-16 20:52 The purpose of this book is to offer fiddlers direct access to the gems of the genre. Composers represented in this volume span a three hundred year period including works by: Patrick MacDonald, Adam Craig, Capt. Charles Duff, Simon Fraser, Robert an... дальше

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How Muscles Learn: Teaching the Violin with the Body in Mind
How Muscles Learn: Teaching the Violin with the Body in Mind
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Цена: From: $10.30

2011-11-16 20:49 How Muscles Learn provides information useful in helping teachers find productive techniques in teaching based on how muscles learn movement patterns. Muscles and bodies can and should be thoroughly trained before concentrating exclusively on musical... дальше

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