DVD "The Genius Of Billy Childish: The Bands Of Billy Childish – Thee Headcoats/Thee Milkshakes"
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DVD "The Genius Of Billy Childish: The Bands Of Billy Childish – Thee Headcoats/Thee Milkshakes"
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Цена: ~$20

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2009-01-13 06:00
Musician, writer, painter, enigma, cultural icon - all of these and more apply to Billy Childish, an artist the world is waking up to. "The Genius Of Billy Childish " is the first ever DVD to feature Billy, as he showcases his musical abilities.

Billy Childish is reputed to have recorded 100 LP's during his 24-year career. As if that's not enough to be getting on with, he's also painted 2,000 odd paintings, written 2 novels & penned 30 plus volumes of poetry. Expelled from the prestigious St Martins School of Art early in his career, Childish has continued to paint, write and make music independently ever since.

Childish bands have long been championed by a succession of more established artists; Kurt Cobain liked Thee Mighty Caesars, & more recently The White Stripes Jack White appeared on Top Of The Pop's with Billy's name scrawled on his forearm. This kind of artistic adoration finally gained Billy a record deal with Transcopic Records (run by ex-Blur member Graham Coxon). Billy has also enjoyed an increasing public profile over the last twelve months with regular articles and interviews appearing in national newspapers and magazines. His stock as an artist is probably at its greatest.

"The Genius Of Billy Childish " features Billy leading two of his longer lasting musical projects, "Thee Headcoats" and "Thee Milkshakes" through sets which perfectly display the lo-fi garage rock that Billy has made his musical trademark. Full of charm and raw energy, the sets show just why Billy is loved by his army of followers

Thee Headcoats - Live At The Picket:
Comanche / The Girl from 62 / Pretty Baby / All My Feelings Denied / Lie Detector / Just Fifteen / Jack the Ripper / Just Like a Dog / Again and Again / The Good Times Are Killing Me / Gear Box / Wild Man / Meet Jacqueline / Round Every Corner / You Can't Resist / Davy Crocket / Action Time Vision / Youngblood / Troubled Times / She's Fine She's Mine.

Thee Milkshakes - Live '84:
Shimmy Shimmy / Pretty Baby / Shed Country / Little Queenie / Jezebel / I Want You / Jack The Ripper / It's You / Please Don't Tell My Baby / The Red Monkey / Cadillac / Brand New Cadillac

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Разработка и дизайн: AnnStudio | Сервер: VDS хостинг TrueVDS
