The Tudor and Stuart Monarchy: Pageantry, Painting, Iconography: Vol I, Tudor
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The Tudor and Stuart Monarchy: Pageantry, Painting, Iconography: Vol I, Tudor
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Цена: не дороже 50 долл

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2009-07-31 23:13
Hardcover: 263 pages
Publisher: Boydell Press (March 1, 1999)
Language: English
The Tudor and Stuart Monarchyoffers, through papers and essays written over the past thirty years, the work of one of the most distinguished scholars in the art history and history of the period. Many of these pieces have become classic reference points for research, and will therefore be welcome in this collected form. In presenting them, the author has added prefaces and bibliographical notes to each essay, drawing attention to recent work and publications in the field, so that the state of current scholarship is taken into account.
This first volume covers the Tudor period, concentrating on the work of Holbein and Hans Eworth, and includes the major monographs on Holbein and Henry VIII and Hans Eworth: A Tudor Artist Reconsidered. Volumes II and III will cover the Elizabethan and Jacobean and Caroline periods respectively.
Sir ROY STRONGwas formerly Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum from 1974 to 1987, and before that Director of the National Portrait Gallery.....................................................................Sir Roy Strong, Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, from 1974 to 1987, is one of the most distinguished scholars in the art history and history of the Tudor and Stuart ages. Over the past thirty years he as written papers and articles which have deepened and extended our understanding of the life and times of the period, through detailed exploration in a number of areas - not only painting and portraitures, but architecture, theatre and gardens. His papers are now collected in three volumes under the title The Tudor and Stuart Monarchy; for individual volumes, see below.I. Tudor[bib dets]II. Elizabethan [bib dets]III. Jacobean and Carolean[bib dets]

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