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2010-10-06 16:02
>>A Few Reasons For Using A Sleep Mask<<
To Help Improve Your Rest
A sleep mask is a tool for getting better sleep when you don’t always have ideal sleeping conditions. The masks are popularly associated with wealthy and glamorous people, but anyone who has trouble falling asleep can find a mask helpful. It might take a little getting used to, but wearing one of these devices is likely to help you get a more restful and beneficial sleep. You need good sleep to be in good health.

The major reason for wearing a mask while sleeping is to block out light. Not all masks will block all light, but they will be more effective and less expensive than other forms of light blockers. Some of the masks are completely effective, but other will let in filtered or faint light from outside. It is as important to get a good fit on the mask as it is to block all the light.

Wearing a mask at bedtime helps to develop a sleep routine. A practice that is repeated to the point where it becomes a habit will help your body recognize that it is time to sleep. Both children and adults have routines that become part of the winding down process after a busy day so that the body is ready to sleep.

Soothing the eyes and the skin under the mask is important. Some masks are designed to provide cooling moisture against the skin. A mask with soft fabric is perfect for a non-chafing mask. Silk against the skin feels luxurious. Cotton fiber feels very soft and comforting.

There are masks available that are filled with herbs or have a drop or two of essential oil fragrances. The therapeutic benefits are well known for scents and fragrances. Incorporating these into a mask adds to the entire wearing period benefits. When your skin’s warmth releases the compounds, you have a more restful sleep. Pick the right fragrance so that you are calmed and soothed. Lavender is a good example. Although they are very pleasant, citrus scents will have an energizing effect rather than a restful effect.

Using a mask that allows for pressure against the eyes and sinuses can be beneficial as long as there is not too much pressure. Flax seed or similar substances in a mask will allow you to gently mold the mask to the shape of your face. Too much pressure on the eyelids, though can restrict free movement of your eyes during the appropriate portion of your sleep period.

A good sleeping mask blocks light from reaching your eyes during sleep times. Some masks also help to limit sounds level that reaches your ears when you are trying to sleep. If you have gotten accustomed to sleeping with lights and sounds around you, you might not realize that relaxation is not as complete as it could be. When you reduce the disruption, you will find that sleep is more refreshing.

A sleep mask may not be for everyone, but it is worth trying for a few nights to see if it will improve the quality of your sleep cycle. Most masks are easy to care for. They will need to be laundered occasionally or replaced to prevent build up of skin oils on the fabric of the mask.

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