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ace all my exams & papers
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2010-11-25 06:37
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2010-11-25 16:26
good luck!!
(live and learn - не знала что есть такой глагол)
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2010-11-26 08:02 thanks! :)
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2010-12-26 01:15
Man, you rock!!!
Hopefully your plan for grad school will be realized as well.
Merry X-mas from not so snowy Calgary!
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2010-12-26 05:39
thanks! i was so relieved, you've no idea! it was quite a stressful semester, and i ended up with a B, an A, and 3 A+. phew!!
i think i won't be going to grad school for a bit though, i need to figure out what it is that i really want to do, and maybe take vocational courses instead of graduate ones.
what about you, when are you done school?
and same here, christmas is not white at all this year in toronto :D
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2010-12-26 05:55
I have not check my marks yet - might be a little depressing. But passing grade for counseling psychology is B - B+, so I am not too worried about it. I will probably be done in Nov '12, cause some of the courses I need to take are only available in spring and summer. I still need to find out if I need to pass TOELF or not to get into grad school and I am good.
School is fun, eh?
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2010-12-26 06:59 i hope you did well!! why do you think you might have to do the toefl test? aren't people who did their undergrad in an english-speaking country exempt from those tests? or so i thought... either way, good luck with your studies!!
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2010-12-26 14:32 Thank you. I just saw on uofvic website that ESL students need to pass toelf, but it might be referring to international students. That is why I want to find out for sure, cause I finished high school and will graduate from university here - this should be enough to show that my English is on the right level

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