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Благодарности: Спасибо мне, КДС "Сокол" и чуваку, купившему мою машину =) Ну и конечно всем участникам и организаторам.

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2012-01-23 22:07 2012 Rally
By Jamie

We’re doing it once again in 2012. We had a fantastic time last year flying 6 out of 7 days, with 5 fantastic tasks. Although we haven’t decided for sure, we may want to start even further north to get a jump start on new territory. We’re thinking of Live Oak, which was our airfield on day 2 of the 2011 Rally. It’s just a short drive from Quest Air.

The folks at Lookout Mountain are crossing their fingers we can make our way there. Dustin’s dad is also standing by in case we find ourselves headed toward Huntsville. Of course, all the friendly people in Americus, Moeltry and Vidalia are begging us to come back through again too. So like always, we have heaps of options.

We’re bumping the dates back to the old standby, end of April. We’ll run from April 22nd to April 28th and just like every year, Bobby Bailey, Rhett Radford and the Quest and Florida Ridge tug pilots will fly Dragonflies and the competition crew will drive all towing supplies to each location. We already have plenty of drivers ready to team up for retrieve, so we should be able to get everyone squared away. David Glover has set up a Facebook page called US Hang Gliding Competitions Community. This is the best place to connect with other pilots for retrieve, airport pickups, glider transport and any other logistical things that you need to work out in advance. But, if you don’t have any luck solving issues there, feel free to contact me and I’ll see what I can do.

So join us April 22nd to April 28 for another week of some of the best flying the southeast has to offer!

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