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хотят: 10 чел.

Ссылка: https://www.clubbable.com/Las...

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2018-12-26 05:52
If you want to go to one of the most fun, trendy dayclubs in Las Vegas, then the Rehab Beach Club should be near the top of your list. Set in the Hard Rock Hotel, Rehab is the one and only original Las Vegas pool party. Yes, the energetic trendsetter that established the way all of Las Vegas would party. And it still does!

This 5 acre range of pools and poolside entertainment has been selected by the Travel Channel as one of its top 10 pools in the world. Yes, not only does the Rehab Beach Club stand out as a dayclub and a pool party, it is among the top ten best pools. It is established with a number of beautiful blue lagoons to relax in, white sandy poolside, and luxurious cabanas where you can settle in for the day.

The cabanas come with private safes so that you can go for a swim without worrying about your belongings, LCD TVs so you can enjoy the entertainment from a distance or just chill out in peace, refrigerators with ice cold chilled drinks, and your own personal server who will ensure that your party receives all the refreshments and attention they need.

Expect live music and DJ events at this energetic dayclub pool party. The music at the Rehab dayclub leans towards hip hop, but there is some variety, especially in the DJ tracks. Just expect hip hop unless otherwise stated. If you want any more entertainment, then remember that you can swim up to play blackjack and other casino games at many of the pools.

The venue is strongly inclusive and the crowds are a healthy mix of people of all ages and ethnicities, united by their love of Las Vegas pool parties. So if you feel intimidated by the general dayclub scene, then Rehab may be a place you feel more welcome and free to be yourself.

The drinks are reasonably priced, especially for Las Vegas, and bottle service is an amazing deal, which we would recommend above any other options. A cabana and full bottle service is definitely the way to go for the best dayclub party.

Cover charges are very reasonable for all involved, but bear in mind that free entry is pretty rare whoever you are and wherever you come from. They are not exactly short of attractive, fun, popular young people to fill their chairs, so unless you reserve a cabana you cannot be guaranteed entry, and you should carry some money for your cover. With a reservation you should not have to wait more than an hour in the queue, as it is very efficient, but this might change on different days, or on days with seriously popular acts.

The dress code is very relaxed, and you can wear pretty much any beach or pool clothes. However they would rather you chose to wear swimwear, to fit in better and to make sure you make the most of the different pools and poolside activities they have available.

For more information, visit our website.

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