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Liver cancer is considered the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world. It has the characteristics of a high recurrence rate and low early detection rate, and it is a highly invasive and destructive disease.

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2022-01-29 23:14
BOC Sciences provides specially optimized HepG2 CRISPR transfection reagent, which is specially used to efficiently deliver the CRISPR/Cas9 system in the HepG2 cells to achieve efficient gene editing.

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2022-01-29 23:14
The Hela cell line was, the first immortal human cell with indefinite viability in vitro established from cervical cancer cells, and contributed to major medical breakthroughs

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2022-01-29 23:14
The Hela cell line was, the first immortal human cell with indefinite viability in vitro established from cervical cancer cells, and contributed to major medical breakthroughs,

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2022-01-29 23:14
BOC RNA provides both positive and negative siRNA control. Our controls can be used to optimize the RNAi experimental condition.

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2022-01-29 23:13
RNA interference (RNAi) is a biological process in which RNA molecules silence specific genes, it's first discovered in plants and Caenorhabditis elegans and later in mammalian cells.

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2022-01-29 23:13
Cell-penetrating peptide, or CPP for short, is a short peptide that can penetrate through the cell membranes and directly enter the cytosol to facilitate intracellular.

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2022-01-29 23:13
BOC RNA provides synthesis services for a wide range of oligonucleotides (DNA, RNA) and derivatives, including natural DNA, siRNA, mRNA, and DNA/RNA oligos, or non-natural and more stable oligonucleotides (GMP grade and non-cGMP grade).

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2022-01-29 23:13
Molecular glue; induces proteosomal degradation of mRNA splicing factor RBM39.

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E3 ligase Ligand-Linker Conjugates 49
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2022-01-29 23:12
E3 ligase Ligand-Linker Conjugates 49 incorporates a cereblon (CRBN) ligand for the E3 ubiquitin ligase, and a PROTAC linker.

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