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amino acid analysis mass spectrometry
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2021-07-21 11:59
Amino acids are a group of chemically diverse organic compounds. The amino acid composition will determine the quality of polypeptides or proteins. As the requirements defined by the United States Pharmacopeial Conventin (USP), European Pharmacopoeia
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maldi tof mass spectrometer price
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2021-07-21 11:59
The development and quality assessment of biopharmaceuticals, especially protein and peptide drugs, require a series of analytical techniques to assess the integrity of bioactive molecules during formulation and administration. MALDI-TOF-MS provides
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intact mass analysis
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2021-07-21 11:58
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry is a special soft ionization technology that can generate gas phase ions with multiple charges more gently, reducing the mass-to-charge ratio range of the molecules to be measured. The product ions of multi-c
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2021-07-21 11:58
Sulfatide (ST) is a multifunctional molecule for various biological fields including the nervous system, insulin secretion, immune system, hemostasis/thrombosis, bacterial infection, and virus infection. Therefore, abnormal metabolism or expression c
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anti-ganglioside assay
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2021-07-21 11:58
The combination of MS instrument and liquid chromatography (LC) can effectively separate target lipid molecules from complex samples. Currently, a reliable and reproducible method using highly sensitive LC-MS/MS platform for the identification and qu
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sphingomyelinase assay
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2021-07-21 11:58
Creative Proteomics has developed a reliable and reproducible method using highly sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the rapid identification and quantification of SM in different sample types, which can satisfy the needs of academic and industrial study
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metabolic flux
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2021-07-21 11:58
Creative Proteomics offers untargeted metabolic flux and targeted metabolic flux analysis services of lipids metabolism for our customers. By using stable isotopes such as 2H, 13C, and 15N, we has developed a novel metabolic flux analysis platform, w
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25 hydroxycholesterol
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2021-07-21 11:57
Hydroxycholesterols are critical for cholesterol transport from the periphery to the liver, regulate the expression of sterol sensitive genes which are involved in lipid and sterol biosynthesis, act as substrates for the formation of bile salts, serv
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cholesterol ester
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2021-07-21 11:57
Cholesterol esters are a dietary lipid, which derived from cholesterol. Cholesterol esters are formed when the body produces enzymes to produce a metabolic reaction with the cholesterol itself. The ester bond is formed between the carboxylate group o
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anabolic steroids analysis
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2021-07-21 11:57
Steroids function as important components of cell membranes and many of them are signaling molecules. All steroids are manufactured in cells from the sterols lanosterol (animals and fungi) or cycloartenol (plants). Lanosterol and cycloartenol are der
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