Повод: have no idea ;p
Благодарности: Shama got one, so I can borrow from her ;p
2013-03-22 16:33 cinnavanilla danish, birthday surprise, cherry limeade etc.
2013-01-12 12:21 You ca fit them at Shoe be do shop - warsaw/ size 37,5
Цена: 12 pounds
Благодарности: I bought almost the same butterfly poster :)
Повод: to be different every day
Благодарности: got an all in one eye shadow palette
2012-10-22 09:36 96 colours
2012-10-15 03:48 Essie colours: Hot coco
merino cool
2012-10-15 03:42 Pullandbear?
Повод: cold autumn 2012
Благодарности: Now I'm a student of MSc Business and Management at Aston Uni :D
Благодарности: parents for money :D
2012-09-17 14:14 Fifteen or Jamie's Italian : London, Birmingham, Glasgow...
Благодарности: Topshop
Благодарности: T.
2012-09-17 14:09 2012/13 school year
Благодарности: Salmonik
Благодарности: Leyla nionio
2012-08-12 12:19 I know they are actually not danish, and onlu old people eat them in Dk..but I LOVE them!!!! <3 delicious!
Цена: thousands of cells and nerves
Повод: Master Degree in England
Благодарности: UK Border Agency Kazakhstan
Благодарности: a have the same ones but with rabbits ;p
2012-07-08 02:21 ;p
Повод: hobby
Благодарности: Summer 2012 and my love to Novak
Повод: sart practicing summer 2012 again
Благодарности: Losos and Babolat ;p
Благодарности: Losos
Повод: summer
Благодарности: ELT
Повод: Mine is almost finished...
Благодарности: Losos
2012-06-11 20:45 Colour: #26
Цена: 24 pounds
Повод: spring
Благодарности: I bought one in Zara
2012-05-30 17:15 size 6-8