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2021-11-19 18:25
N3-PEG-(γ)PGA is a copolymer containing a free azide group. N3-PEG-(γ)PGA is a liquid or solid which depends on its molecular weight. The bigger the molecular weight,

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2021-11-19 18:15
Polyglutamic acid (PGA) is polymer with good biocompatibility and complete degradability. Its safety has been approved by FDA of the United States, and it has been widely used in the field of medical and medicinal polymer materials

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2021-11-19 18:15
NH2-PEG-(γ)PGA (amino-polyethylene glycol-poly-L-glutamic acid) is a linear amphiphilic block copolymer with poly-L-glutamate as hydrophobic part and amino group functionalized PEG as hydrophilic part.

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PEG modification
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-08-26 06:41
The technique of covalently attaching polyethylene glycol (PEG) to a given molecule is known as “PEGylation” and is now a well-established method in the field of targeted drug delivery systems. PEGylation has the ability to enhance the retention time
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PEG modification
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хотят: 3 чел.

2021-08-26 06:41
The technique of covalently attaching polyethylene glycol (PEG) to a given molecule is known as “PEGylation” and is now a well-established method in the field of targeted drug delivery systems. PEGylation has the ability to enhance the retention time
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peg conjugation
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2021-04-22 21:19
PEGylation is the process of covalent and non-covalent attachment or merging of polymer chains with molecules and macrostructures (such as drugs, therapeutic proteins, or vesicles). PEG polymers have many inherent good biological properties, includin
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peg conjugated protein
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2021-04-22 21:19
PEGylation is broadly used to enhance the pharmacokinetic properties of protein drugs. BOC Sciences aims to provide global clients with PEG-protein conjugation service to support your research. As a pioneering service provider in drug discovery and r
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peg conjugated peptide
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2021-04-22 21:19
In drug development research, in order to increase the half-life of peptide drugs in vivo, reduce the immunogenicity, and increase the water solubility of the drugs, activated PEG was chemically coupled to the peptide drugs. The study of PEG modifica
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peg conjugated carbohydrate
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2021-04-22 21:18
Carbohydrates are now recognized as playing an important role in host-pathogen interactions in protozoal, bacterial and viral infections and are consequently candidates for chemotherapy. The short in vivo half-life of low molecular weight glycans ham
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2021-04-22 20:45
The product is a modified form of filgrastim which has been PEGylated at the N terminus. It is a form of human G-CSF (Granulocyte colony stimulating factor) consisting of 175 residues and is produced from E. coli via bacterial fermentation.

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