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Biocatalyst Immobilization and Modification
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2022-01-29 23:16
Besides protein engineering, chemical approaches including chemical modification and immobilization are employed in designing biocatalysts with desirable bio-properties for industrial applications.

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2022-01-29 23:16
Creative Enzymes has been active in the enzyme industry for several years. In addition to conventional enzymatic techniques, we are also dedicated to development of emerging new sciences. Creative Enzymes provides design and synthesis services for ab
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Soluble Soy Polysaccharides
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2022-01-29 23:16
SSPS has stronger stability in dairy beverage with comparison to pectin. Due to the feature of refreshing, no slurry,

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2022-01-29 23:15
Creative Enzymes is one of the few companies in the world that have the ability to supply a variety of zymogens. We are proudly composed of groups of brilliant scientists who are devoting themselves to high-grade products and satisfying services.

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orderHepG2 Transfection Reagent
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2022-01-29 23:14
Liver cancer is considered the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world. It has the characteristics of a high recurrence rate and low early detection rate, and it is a highly invasive and destructive disease.

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orderHepG2 CRISPR Transfection Reagent
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2022-01-29 23:14
BOC Sciences provides specially optimized HepG2 CRISPR transfection reagent, which is specially used to efficiently deliver the CRISPR/Cas9 system in the HepG2 cells to achieve efficient gene editing.

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hela cells transfection efficiency
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2022-01-29 23:14
The Hela cell line was, the first immortal human cell with indefinite viability in vitro established from cervical cancer cells, and contributed to major medical breakthroughs

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orderHela Transfection Reagent
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2022-01-29 23:14
The Hela cell line was, the first immortal human cell with indefinite viability in vitro established from cervical cancer cells, and contributed to major medical breakthroughs,

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2022-01-29 23:14
BOC RNA provides both positive and negative siRNA control. Our controls can be used to optimize the RNAi experimental condition.

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2022-01-29 23:13
RNA interference (RNAi) is a biological process in which RNA molecules silence specific genes, it's first discovered in plants and Caenorhabditis elegans and later in mammalian cells.

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