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IR Spectrum Prediction
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2021-04-22 21:40
Infrared spectroscopy is a kind of absorption spectroscopy, which is mainly used to study the vibrational and rotational spectra of molecules. It is generally used to study the structure of polyatomic molecules, and molecular quantitative and qualita
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Coronavirus Protein Structure Prediction
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2021-04-02 06:32
Protein structure is significant to its function, so protein structure prediction is an important part of bioinformatics analysis for protein. To perform biological functions normally, protein molecules fold into one or more spatial conformations dri
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In Silico Protein-protein Interactions Prediction
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-03-25 19:32
Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are crucial for understanding signaling cascades, predicting protein biological function, associating proteins with various diseases and insights into drug mechanism of action.

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NMR Spectrum Prediction
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2020-12-21 20:31
CD BioSciences' NMR spectrum prediction service can reduce the cost of later experiments. NMR spectrum prediction service is a personalized and customized innovative scientific research service. Before determining the corresponding analysis plan and
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Fluorescence Spectrum Prediction
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2020-12-21 20:31
CD BioSciences' fluorescence spectrum prediction service can reduce the cost of later experimental screening. Fluorescence Spectrum Prediction Service is a personalized and customized innovative scientific research service. Before determining the cor
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Vibration Circular Dichroism Spectrum Prediction
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2020-12-21 20:31
VCD and ECD are two important stereochemical structure confirmation methods. When the compound does not have the Cotton effect in the ultraviolet region, VCD is needed for structural confirmation. Circular dichroism (CD) is often used to confirm the
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n-glycan site prediction
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хотят: 3 чел.


2020-08-17 19:04
Creative Proteomics offer a strict workflow to analyze N-glycan sites occupation to meet your requirements.

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n-glycan site prediction
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2020-06-21 17:33
Creative Proteomics offer a strict workflow to analyze N-glycan sites occupation to meet your requirements.

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antibody structure prediction
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хотят: 3 чел.


2020-05-28 16:43
Structure determination is a procedure to solve the three-dimensional atomic coordinates of a molecule or biomolecule through analytical techniques. A variety of strategies are utilized in antibody structure determination, such as nuclear magnetic re
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in silico aggregation prediction antibody
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2020-05-28 16:43
At present, protein aggregation still remains a main area of focus in the production of monoclonal antibodies. Increasing the intrinsic properties of antibodies can promote manufacturability, attrition rates, formulation, safety, titers, immunogenici
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