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Transporter Screening Assays
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2021-05-31 18:58
Transporters and channels control the uptake and efflux of essential nutrients, ions, cellular waste and drugs into and out of cells and organelles.

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Ligand-based virtual screening
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2021-05-31 18:53
LBVS methods use compound information to predict activity, which measure the similarity of the compounds in the library to reference compounds that are active towards a target of interest

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Covalently Bound Drugs Screening
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2021-05-19 08:58
CD ComputaBio' virtual screening service of covalently bound drugs can significantly increase the hit rate of lead compounds and reduce the cost of later experimental screening. Virtual Screening of Covalently Bound Drugsis a personalized and customi
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Pharmacophore Fragments based Virtual Screening
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2021-05-19 08:58
Virtual screening based on pharmacophore and prediction of activity spectrum is one of the most popular technologies in medicinal chemistry scientific research. It has been widely used in the discovery of seed compounds, the expansion of seed compoun
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Yeast Two-Hybrid Screening
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Цена: Yeast Two-Hybrid Screening

2021-04-30 19:40
Specific interactions between proteins form the basis of most biological processes,

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Structure-based virtual screening
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Цена: Structure-based virtual screening

2021-04-30 19:39
For structure-based virtual screening (SBVS), candidate molecules are computationally docked into 3D structure of the biological target that are derived from biophysical methods (e.g. X-ray crystallography,

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Natural Biocatalyst Sampling and Screening
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хотят: 2 чел.


Цена: Natural Biocatalyst Sampling and Screening

2021-04-30 19:14
Microorganisms have been exposed to a myriad of substrates and environmental conditions throughout evolution resulting in countless metabolites and enzymatic activities.

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Natural Biocatalyst Screening
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хотят: 2 чел.


Цена: Natural Biocatalyst Screening

2021-04-30 19:14
Microorganisms have been exposed to a myriad of substrates and environmental conditions throughout evolution resulting in countless metabolites and enzymatic activities.

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High throughput screening
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хотят: 4 чел.


2021-04-22 21:23
BOC Sciences has a collection of more than 1.6 million compounds involving 5000 skeletons and 300 potential targets for high-throughput screening and high-content screening. In the design and screening of compound libraries, we have identified a rang
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fragment based screening
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2021-04-22 21:23
BOC Sciences’ fragment libraries set offers various compounds that can be individually selected based on customs’ criteria, allowing researchers to build fragment sets of size and composition best suited to their research methodologies. BOC Sciences
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