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assay kit
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хотят: 2 чел.


2021-07-21 10:39 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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Detection Assay Kit
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 7 чел.


2021-07-21 10:38 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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Signaling Assay Kit
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хотят: 10 чел.


2021-07-21 10:37 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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Cellular Assay kit
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хотят: 10 чел.


2021-07-21 10:37 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity Assay
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2021-06-28 19:11
As a professional technical service company in the field of Proteolysis Targeting Chimeric (Protac®) technology,

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vitamin C assay
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2021-06-27 20:54
Ascorbic acid is a vitamin present in the human body, and its concentration in plasma and tissues is correlated with status of various diseases, such as scurvy, diabetes mellitus and myocardial infarction. Creative BioMart Biomarker offers high quali
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TNFα assay
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хотят: 2 чел.


2021-06-27 20:53
TNFα is a pleiotropic cytokine often involved in the research of immune diseases. It participates in a variety of cell signaling pathways and can be used as a biomarker for immune-related diseases. Creative BioMart Biomarker provides customers with T
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TGF-β assay
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хотят: 2 чел.


2021-06-27 20:52
Transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-α) is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family and can bind to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and activate downstream signaling pathways. TGF-α is associated with tumorigenesis and malignant
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Detection Assay Kit
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 7 чел.


2021-06-27 20:49 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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Signaling Assay Kit
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 10 чел.


2021-06-27 20:49 "Creative BioMart specializes in providing cost-effective assay kits and custom services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the study of enzyme activity, protein biology, and small molecule detection.
We have developed and man
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