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liposome drug delivery ca
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хотят: 7 чел.


2021-09-24 07:58
BOC Sciences is a life science group with its headquarters in New York. BOC Sciences provides the most complete set of solutions in liposomal drug development services in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology, cosmetics, and nutritional supplement industr
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Liposome Drug Release Kinetics Measurement
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2021-09-24 07:57
Effectively controlling the payload release to the target sites has always been a challenge. BOC Sciences provides you with comprehensive in vitro release (IVR) testing to facilitate your liposome pharmacokinetic studies.

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drug delivery system liposome
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хотят: 7 чел.


2021-05-19 11:00
BOC Sciences is a life science group with its headquarters in New York. BOC Sciences provides the most complete set of solutions in liposomal drug development services in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology, cosmetics, and nutritional supplement industr
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liposome drug delivery
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хотят: 9 чел.


2021-05-19 11:00
BOC Sciences can help to solve issues and requirements related to your current and future research of liposome pharmaceutical formulations through our liposome research and manufacturing services. Our liposome platform has been able to develop liposo
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drug delivery system liposome
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хотят: 7 чел.


2021-04-22 21:22
BOC Sciences is a life science group with its headquarters in New York. BOC Sciences provides the most complete set of solutions in liposomal drug development services in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology, cosmetics, and nutritional supplement industr
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liposome drug delivery
  • НеобходимостьНеобходимость Необходимость
хотят: 9 чел.


2021-04-02 06:36
BOC Sciences can help to solve issues and requirements related to your current and future research of liposome pharmaceutical formulations through our liposome research and manufacturing services. Our liposome platform has been able to develop liposo
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