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Coronavirus Protein Structure Determination
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-09-24 07:40
Determining the three-dimensional (3D) structure of proteins is critical for understanding the mechanism of coronavirus infection, discovering potential drug targets and structure-based drug design. Rapid advances in methodologies for protein express
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primary secondary tertiary protein structure
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2021-09-24 02:12
The overall three-dimensional shape of an entire protein molecule is the tertiary structure. The protein molecule will bend and twist in such a way as to achieve maximum stability or lowest energy state. Although the three-dimensional shape of a prot
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Applications of Protein Structure Modeling
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2021-07-21 11:36
The three-dimensional structure of a protein provides basic information about its biological function and helps design therapeutic drugs that specifically bind to protein targets. In recent years, the number of experimentally determined protein struc
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Protein Structure Modeling
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хотят: 4 чел.


Цена: Protein Structure Modeling

2021-04-30 19:08
As a leading service provider in drug discovery and research, BOC Sciences is fully capable and committed to providing one-stop proteolysis targeting molecular drug discovery based on chimeric (PROTAC).

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Protein-ligand Structure Analysis
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хотят: 3 чел.


Цена: Protein-ligand Structure Analysis

2021-04-30 19:07
The structural analysis of target proteins and ligands is a very important component in PROTAC design. With senior high-level scientists and experienced chemical structural optimization platform

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Coronavirus Protein Structure Prediction
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2021-04-02 06:32
Protein structure is significant to its function, so protein structure prediction is an important part of bioinformatics analysis for protein. To perform biological functions normally, protein molecules fold into one or more spatial conformations dri
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Protein Structure Modeling
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хотят: 4 чел.


2021-03-25 19:43
As a leading service provider in drug discovery and research, BOC Sciences is fully capable and committed to providing one-stop proteolysis targeting molecular drug discovery based on chimeric (PROTAC). We have accumulated rich practical experience a
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Protein-ligand Structure Analysis
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хотят: 3 чел.


2021-03-25 19:42
The structural analysis of target proteins and ligands is a very important component in PROTAC design. With senior high-level scientists and experienced chemical structural optimization platform, BOC Sciences provide the service in a customizable fas
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Protein Structure Modeling
Protein Structure Modeling
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хотят: 4 чел.

Повод: https://protac.bocsci.com/services/protein-structure-modeling.html

2021-01-21 17:22
As a leading service provider in drug discovery and research, BOC Sciences is fully capable and committed to providing one-stop proteolysis targeting molecular drug discovery based on chimeric (PROTAC). We have accumulated rich practical experience a
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Protein-ligand Structure Analysis
Protein-ligand Structure Analysis
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хотят: 3 чел.

Повод: https://protac.bocsci.com/services/protein-ligand-structure-analysis.html

2021-01-21 17:22
The structural analysis of target proteins and ligands is a very important component in PROTAC design. With senior high-level scientists and experienced chemical structural optimization platform, BOC Sciences provide the service in a customizable fas
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